Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Life

So it begins...the infamous tool of blogging to express opinions, vent thoughts, and to get your "two cents" in. What shall I say? Should I state the typical "Well, I never though I'd start one of these." so common of the first timer? Or shall I dive right in, telling people what's on my mind, what grinds my gears, boils my oil, moves my heart?

But rather, I feel an explanation is due. For most of my life, I would have hated the idea of blogging. Expressing my thoughts and opinions for everyone to read? Absurd. Terrifying. Ludicrous. My book was closed, and no one was going to crack it open.

That is, until half way through my senior year of high school when Jesus Christ forced his way into my life one January night in 2009. The suffocating presence of His unconditional love, the beautiful callings of His amazing grace, and the overwhelming weight of my sinful life led me to surrender the battle I wasn't going to win.

Jesus wrote me in his book and he took my book and wrote his name in it too. He took my life and gave me forgiveness, gave me purpose, gave me redemption, gave me hope, and gave me joy. A new story was being written in my book, and the author was Jesus Christ. He gave me a New Life.

And that is why this blog exists. Jesus Christ gave me a story to tell and I can't help but share it. Because He is my treasure and joy, I live for Him. He is my God, my Savior, my Friend, my King. He is alive, reigning now and will reign forever more. And I seek to live in never ending awe before Him, Before the Throne.


  1. Niiiice! I feel inspired reading this. Can't wait to hear some spiritual insights from the mind of D-money.

  2. It's so crazy how the Holy Spirit works in lives. Taking a cold, hardened heart and making it a new, open, loving one! Crazy!

  3. Good opener! I'll definitely be coming back for more. It will be cool to be in on the story of Jesus and you from the blogosphere =).
